Vredig, vrij en vriendelijk

Vredig, vrij en vriendelijk

23/11/2010 - 27/11/2010

Readytex Art Gallery Press release
Vredig, Vrij en Vriendelijk, an exhibition with the district of Coronie as theme
November 23 – 27, 7:00 – 9:00 pm, De Hal, Grote Combéweg 45

In the month November the district of Coronie receives special attention at two different locations in Paramaribo. On November 19th, the book Dromers, doemdenkers en doorzetters; verhalen van mensen en gebouwen in Coronie (Dreamers, doom-mongers and go-getters, stories about the people and buildings of Coronie) by Fineke van der Veen, Dick ter Steege and Chandra van Binnendijk is presented in Fort Zeelandia. Simultaneously and in the same location, the exhibition De verleiding van Coronie (The temptation of Coronie), is opened and will be on display until December 6th. Fineke van der Veen, one of the authors of the book, who is also an artist, was convinced that an exhibition of visual art about Coronie would be a wonderful complement to the activities in Fort Zeelandia. In collaboration with Readytex Art Gallery and a large group from the gallery’s partner artists, the idea for the exhibition Vredig, Vrij en Vriendelijk (Peaceful, Free and Friendly) was born.
As much as 15 artists, each from their own point of view and perception of the district, will present works of art for this exhibition. The beautiful and the unsightly; the positive and the negative; the promising as well as the disappointing; everything influences the inspiration. Through paintings, installations and other art objects in various media, every artist tells his or her own individual story about the district of Coronie. Fineke van der Veen calls Coronie a district full of paradoxes:
“One of the First things you see when you enter the district of Coronie, is the large billboard on the left hand side of the road with the text: Vredig, Vrij en Vriendelijk.
Coronie is full of paradoxes. Under the apparent sense of peace, the discontentment smolders. And free, what is free? Free to sit by the side of the road? Free, once every few years to vote, yet to never be heard? Friendliness, yes, that is precisely our weak spot, says someone, it is because we are friendly that everyone thinks that they can take us for fools and do with us as they please. But is Coronie really that friendly? No, several people say, there is a prevailing sense of mistrust and jealousy. Yes, others say, it is a wonderful, restful place to live.
The paradox of Coronie is a source of inspiration for artists. You can make your own projections; create your own ‘Coronie’: “the green peacefulness of Coronie serves as a mirror which reflects your own dreams, nightmares and images”.
The participating artists are: Reinier Asmoredjo, Kenneth Flijders, Soeki Irodikromo, Sri Irodikromo, Rinaldo Klas, Kurt Nahar, Sunil Puljhun, Dhiradj Ramsamoedj, George Struikelblok, Roddney Tjon Poen Gie, Kit-Ling Tjon Pian Gi, René Tosari, Fineke van der Veen, Wilgo Vijfhoven and Hanka Wolterstorff. As is to be expected, the work at the exhibition is extremely varied. The typical and well known characteristics of the district are clearly discernable in the work. The old buildings with their distinguishing architecture, the sea, the coastal vegetation and the palm trees, the coconut oil and the honey that Coronie is so famous for, are obviously present. But aside from that, the other less positive and less visible aspects are also incorporated into the work. The paradoxes mentioned by Fineke, the deterioration, the poverty, the neglected and subordinate position of the district, the smoldering discontent and also the potential which is present but is not developed for several reasons, are depicted by the artists in a variety of styles, techniques and media.
Vredig, Vrij en Vriendelijk (Peaceful, Free and Friendly); reality or illusion, agree or disagree …., thanks to this exhibition the public gets the unique opportunity to, through the eyes of our artists, take a new and different look at the district of Coronie!
For more information or visual material please contact Readytex Art Gallery, at 421750

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