Thursday-Night-Feature with Open-Mic during NK

Thursday-Night-Feature with Open-Mic during NK

01/11/2018 - 01/11/2018

The National Art Fair (NK) of 2018 has started in Hotel Krasnapolsky and Readytex Art Gallery also has a special exhibition going on, and extra opening hours during the Fair. On Thursday November 1st, we are also open simultaneously with the Art Fair, but it is of course also the night of our monthly Thursday-Night-Feature (TNF).

We take a slightly different approach to this TNF. Because everyone is currently under the spell of Surinamese visual art, we thought it would be a nice opportunity to allow you to have your say about it, or to start a discussion. On this evening, in a relaxed and informal setting, the microphone is open to everyone. On the TNF’s we usually invite special guest speakers, or otherwise we just let the artworks to ‘speak’, but this time around the mic is yours. Whether you would like to say or ask something about a work of art, an artist, about the Art Fair, or just something about art in general, anything goes. We hope that you will make ample use of our Open-Mic, because everyone’s opinion counts!

On Thursday November 1st Readytex Art Gallery is open from 6:00 to 9:00 pm and the microphone is open all night for your convenience. And we would also like to remind you of our extra opening hours during the Art Fair: Friday the 26th until Sunday the 28th of October and then again from Thursday the 1st until Saturday the 3rd of November, from 6:00 pm until 9:00 pm.

We hope to also see and hear you at our Open-Mic TNF of November 1st.