“Open House” in May at Readytex Art Gallery

“Open House” in May at Readytex Art Gallery

02/05/2019 - 25/05/2019

‘‘Open House’’ at Readytex Art Gallery 

The time has arrived for the next Thursday-Night-Feature (TNF) at Readytex Art Gallery. We look forward to welcoming you on Thursday May 2nd, when we open our doors for a relaxing ‘Open House’. This means that the focus of this TNF is not on one specific artist or theme, but entirely on the beautiful artworks created by our talented and dedicated artists, which are displayed throughout the entire gallery.

From some of our artists we have received new works of art which means that you will get to enjoy a fascinating, new and mixed exhibition on the ground floor of our gallery. The exhibition will include the latest works of art from among others: Paul Chang, Kenneth Flijders, Sri Irodikromo, Soeki Irodikromo, Rinaldo Klas, Kurt Nahar and Wilgo Vijfhoven.

So, don’t miss this ‘Open House’ on Thursday May 2nd! The doors of Readytex Art Gallery are open from 7:00 – 9:00 pm on this evening. 

You are most welcome!