“Open House at Readytex Art Gallery”

“Open House at Readytex Art Gallery”

06/09/2018 - 15/09/2018

Open House’ at Readytex Art Gallery on the Thursday-Night-Feature of 6 september.

The time has arrived for the next Thursday-Night-Feature (TNF) at Readytex Art Gallery. We look forward to welcoming you on Thursday September 6th, when we open our doors for a fun ‘Open House’. This means that the focus of this TNF is not on one specific artist or theme, but entirely on the beautiful artworks of our talented and dedicated artists. A wonderful opportunity thus, to leisurely enjoy each other’s company and the special collection of art that was carefully selected by our gallery team.

In the main exhibition space on the ground floor we will display the newest artworks from the collection of Readytex Art Gallery. Some of the artists of whom new work will be shown are: Reinier Asmoredjo, Leonnie van Eert, Kenneth Flijders, Sri Irodikromo, Soeki Irodikromo, Rinaldo Klas, Dhiradj Ramsamoedj, Steven Towirjo and Hanka Wolterstorff. And of course, the team of Readytex Art Gallery has also taken great care in creating a new and varied presentation of artworks in all of the other spaces throughout the gallery.

Don’t miss this ‘Open House’ on Thursday September 6th!

Readytex Art Gallery is open on this evening from 7:00 – 9:00 pm.

Everyone is welcome!