Mini feature: What do you choose for? Arranged and designed by artist Kurt Nahar
Open until 26th of July 2010
Readytex Art Gallery once again treats her visitors to a fascinating mini feature. Not a mini feature as usual though, but one according to a new concept. Instead of featuring art from one or two artists, the new concept features art from different artists based upon a specific theme. A new and interesting set up in and of itself, but what makes it even more interesting is the fact that the exhibition is not composed and the work not selected as usual by the Readytex Art Gallery team, but by a designated artist. For each other theme-based mini feature in the future a different artist will be assigned the task of exhibition creator, you could even say guest curator, which will undoubtedly bring forth countless interesting concepts and ideas.
The “kick off” for this new type of mini features has already taken place and is for this first time the responsibility of artist Kurt Nahar. The results are currently on display in the Readytex Art Gallery. His theme is based upon contrasts and on the differences in taste and choices of every person. What do you choose for? This is what it comes down to according to the artist. Do you choose for something pretty or ugly, do you choose for the positive or the negative, good or evil?? In this regard Nahar places among other things a predominantly realistic portrait of a beautiful woman, painted by Ron Flu next to a totally different looking, strongly abstracted depiction of also a woman, painted by Ilene Themen. A painting by Kenneth Flijders with an obviously positive, colorful and romantic vibe is placed next to an ominous black work of art in which a dagger takes center stage, by Sunil Puljun. Differences and contrasts in color, in style, in emotional value and many other less and more obvious contrasts are emphasized in the exhibition. With this particular theme the artist symbolically portrays a normal fact of life with regards to choices that human beings are confronted with every day. There are always several options available, but the choices we make are based upon our own decisions.
Some people base their choices on more than that which is obvious on the surface and carefully consider the pros and cons and implications of each choice, while others consider only outward appearances and superficial presentation, without looking at the underlying elements. One is easily charmed by a beautiful image, while the other is fascinated by the nontraditional, the unconventional and the more conceptually interesting image.
Readytex Art Gallery invites you, also on behalf of the artist Kurt Nahar, to visit this interesting mini feature in the gallery and challenges you to make your own close study of the collection based upon the theme at hand. What do you choose for??
This mini feature is on display in the Readytex Art Gallery until the 26th of July 2010.