Confident, Strong and Colorful!
Unique, stylish compositions by
Rinaldo Klas
From august 27th until September 29th the Readytex Art Gallery will be dedicating special attention to art by the well known Surinamese artist Rinaldo Klas.
Next to his work as an artist Rinaldo Klas is also Director of the Nola Hatterman Art Academy and Head of the Culture department of the Ministry of Education and Human Development. Art and Art education have therefore been the main focus in the professional as well as the private life of this dedicated Surinamese artist, for a great number of years now.
Work by Rinaldo Klas is always colorful, strong and quite intense and continually fascinating because as the years go by it goes through different stages of evolution in substance and style.
From his more abstract paintings and iron sculptures from years ago, to the rainforest inspired figurative paintings of the past several years up until the more recent experiments with free shapes in powerful colors and compositions, art by Rinaldo Klas is without failure always a striking presence.
As the artist himself states, his art is greatly influenced by the things that he values most his direct surroundings and by events that make an impression on him. Dependent upon personal growth and life experiences these factors are quite dynamic and consequently the same is true for his art. The interaction between man, animal and nature however, are a constant source of inspiration for him. With his art Rinaldo hopes to instill awareness within the public that we as humans should treat nature with respect. We need to realize that the rich rainforest we live in is truly the life support system of the world and that instead of destroying it, we should value and protect it.
For the main part, the paintings exhibited in this special mini feature on Rinaldo Klas are characterized by broad aggressive strokes of vivid color. The colors red, black yellow and blue are powerfully and confidently applied to the paper background, resulting in striking and slylish compositions.
With the different shapes and vivid colors intertwined or overlapping each other the artist aims to portray the interconnection between and the harmonious way people, flora and fauna should interact.
“Art to me is more than just the painting of a “pretty picture” but more importantly a social responsibility. It is my opportunity as an artist and ultimately my responsibility as a human being to convey an important social message to the rest of the world”.
This special feature is open to the public during the normal opening hours of the gallery which are Monday thru Friday from 8:00 am until 16:30 pm and on Saturday’s from 8:30 am until 13:30 pm. The Readytex Art Gallery is located on the Maagden straat 44 upstairs, in the Readytex department store building.
Team Readytex Art Gallery