Exhibition: Compositie. Spreken in patronen (Composition. Speaking in patterns) inspired by alakondre

Exhibition: Compositie. Spreken in patronen (Composition. Speaking in patterns) inspired by alakondre

09/12/2023 - 27/01/2024

We are excited to invite you to a special group exhibition titled Compositie. Spreken in patronen (Composition. Speaking in patterns). Inspired by alakondre, visual artist Dhiradj Ramsamoedj, the curator of this exhibition, created a unique arrangement to showcase artworks from eighteen artists affiliated to Readytex Art Gallery.

Our society is a ‘mamjo’ (patchwork) of various ethnicities. We have an alakondre structure and are dynamic. That is why I took the courage and freedom to use this as a point of departure for the design of this exhibition. The presentation is not like a white box with paintings hanging neatly at eye level. Quite to the contrary, the artworks are arranged on the walls in a dynamic composition.”

Dhiradj first got the idea for this type of composition from what he saw in museums during his artist residency in Paris several years ago, and this was reinforced when he recently visited  the museum of modern art in Baku, Azerbaijan. “In Compositie. Spreken in patronen I give my own Surinamese twist to the impressions I have gained there. I do it bombastic and out of the box.” For this exhibition, Dhiradj selects a large number of artworks of various measurements and plays with the space: sections of walls that are hung full, large open spaces and artworks that are put together like the pieces of a puzzle. “By doing this I want to create a pattern on the walls that reminds the viewer of the alakondre language our society speaks.”

We sincerely hope that you will come see and experience this new exhibition. Compositie. Spreken in patronen is on view at Readytex Art Gallery from Saturday, December 9, 2023 until Saturday, January 27, 2024 during the regular opening hours of the gallery from Monday – Friday from 8:00 am – 4:30 pm and on Saturdays from 8:30 am – 1:30 pm.

You are most welcome! 

Team Readytex Art Gallery

